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19 March 2010

See www.northernearth.co.uk/inthawaii.htm for a rambling story, ‘Petroglyphs of Hawaii’ which does not actually describe them as such but goes into a preamble about stones and birthing and quite unrelated material. It is some 16 pages in all and as usual the last few pages are the most useful. John Billingsley, author of books and editor of Northern Earth magazine paid a visit to Hawaii and this article was written as a result. It is not absolute, in other words, and somewhat speculative. It depends who you talk to when you visit somewhere – on holiday or with your job. He makes the point there are similarities between marking on stones on the moors of upland England and those in Hawaii. In addition, Australian aborigines appear to have produced symbols quite like those of cup and ring markings. However, when looking at the images he supplies with the article there are no cup and rings but what there are are stick men images with a distinct plasma connection.

Lono, the Hawaiian sky god, was associated with harvest (autumn) and the festival lasted throughout winter. It has parallels with Christmas and Saturnalia and it involved sport, feasting, and copulation. Lono, a figure held aloft on a tall pole with white bark-paper strips hanging from a crossbeam, was carried around the islands and ritual offerings were made en-route (but so much like similar festivals in Europe and elsewhere). It is claimed that Captain Cook’s ship, with it’s white sails, was seen on the horizon and interpreted by a local priest or medicine man as a reincarnation of Lono. When his ship approached the island it was greeted with canoes full of people with offerings – thinking Lono had returned. Captain Cook, being unusually liberal for the time, succombed to the idea of pandering to local custom and was swept up in the hysteria without realising what he had let himself in for. When the islanders eventually realised he was flesh and blood he was killed – and the legend has persisted to this day.

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