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An Armenian Genesis

5 July 2010

A bit of nationalism and wishful thinking is apparent in this story from www.panarmenian.net/eng/society/news/50844/ where it claims Mesopotamian civilisation originated in Armenia. It does however probably provide a clue to the direction from which came the Jemdat Nasr people that invaded Sumeria around 3200BC. As for the Sumerians themselves, who arrived somewhat earlier, they remain a mystery – unless you adher to the David Rohl version of events. Anyway, back to the story – excavations at Shengavit, occupied between 4000 and 3000BC, there has been found evidence of metallurgy, jewellery making, winemaking, and horse breeding, as well as sophisticated manufacture of glass beads. There were lots of horses in the city it seems – and horses are thought to have been domesticated on the steppe zone to the north (above the Caucasus) between 4000 and 4500BC (or possibly somewhat earlier). The question we might ask now – is there any link between these horse riding people and the Royal tombs at Ur (with their distinct Russian antecedents).

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