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A volcano, tropics under the ice, and Ice Age vegetation – under the sea

25 October 2010
Climate change

At www.physorg.com/print207197358.html … the Java volcano, Merapi,  is about to blow, it seems, and the countryside is on high alert. Meanwhile an earthquake of the coast of Sumatra created a tsunami a day ago. There were 500 volcanic related earthquakes in the region over the weekend.

At www.dailygalaxy.com 26th October … ancient Antarctica was once a tropical rainforest – in the Eocene (56 to 34 million years ago). At that time Antartica was joined to Australia and what is now New Guinea – which is currently in the tropics.

At www.dailygalaxy.com 26th October … it begins by repeating the axiom that C02 levels were much lower during the Ice Age – and this is known from ice cores in polar zones where C02 is expected to be lower than elsewhere. It then attributes this low C02 level to an unusually high level of silica in the Pacific as a result of lush oceanic plant life. It is not just the ocean circulation system but plant nutrients, it goes on, that combined to regulate earth's climate. At this point don't switch off as they are actually referring to marine phytoplankton which seems to play a role, it is said, in removing C02 from the atmosphere – and ends up in the oceans. However, it is not just C02 but silica too that is vital to phytoplankton growth and density. Hence, the inference is, they maintain, that lower C02 levels in the Ice Age, or if they really were much lower, was due to increased phytoplankton. This is actually supported by research that was done and the discovery that silica occurred at higher concentrations in the Pacific during at least some parts of the last Ice Age. This created faster rates of carbon fixation via photosynthesis, ascertained from isotopes in the composition of oceanic sponges from deep water cores in the Southern Ocean. The finding also suggests something more interesting – the role of iron fertilisation of surface waters during the Ice Age. The origin of the iron was in dust that was common at that time in the atmosphere – dust that does not occur there nowadays. The dust is assumed to have an origin in deserts such as the Sahara (see www.cosmosmagazine.com ).

Note ……  is it possible the iron ferrous nature of the dust might have an origin in space?

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