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Comet Hartley2 – flyby

5 November 2010

A rash of sites has news on the flyby of Comet Hartley2 on thursday 4th November. Images are being studied by scientists – but some have been uploaded for public viewing. See www.jpl.nasa.gov/news for example, as the spacecraft came within 700km of the comet (see also www.nasa.gov/epoxi and http://epoxi.umd.edu )

See also www.physorg.com/print208090770.html for a more comprehensive take on what looks like a peanut shape with belching jets. Therse are described as poisonous gases – which is an interesting description. The comet came within 11 million miles of the earth in October. At www.physorg.com/print208086038.html it says that earth may have encountered tiny pieces of Comet Hartley2 on November 3rd, creating a sparkling sky show of bright meteors.

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