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Early Christian writings find – updated two days later

30 March 2011
Ancient history

At BBC News (see www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12888421 ) there is a story on early Christian writings found in a Jordanian cave which it is hoped will provide some clues on how Christianity developed from Judaism. Some 70 books of between 5 and 15 lead leaves bound by lead rings was discovered in a remote valley in northern Jordan a few years ago – exposed by a flash flood that washed inside the cave. A fight over possession of the manuscripts has developed between Israel and Jordan. Its seems the bedouin that found them sold them to the highest bidder – or smuggled them across the border as he knew where to get a good price. However, the texts are in ancient Hebrew, most of which is in code. They are in fact composed of leaves the size of a credit card – hence the use of shorthand, or code.

One of the pages depicts a cross – in the form of a T. Roman crosses used for crucifixions were T shaped, apparently, and I wonder if that puts a new light on the stone pillars at Gobekli in SE Anatolia that date back to 9000BC. They are T shaped. So, the Christian cross is not so much a European symbol but one that was ancient in the Levant, and imported along with the new religion. 

However, the cross as we know it nowadays did have ancient Celtic antecedents, and probably elsewhere in Europe and Asia as well. A red cross, in effect. So what kind of astronomical phenomenon could the cross, T shaped or otherwise, denote?

It seems these small booklets may actually be Jewish amulets and have nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity or Judaism – or code. The debunk is at www.deseretnews.com/700123230/Ancient-metal-plates-found-in-Middle-East…. and it involves the man pushing the link with religion, namely an author of a forthcoming book, 'In the Name of the Gods' which is all about the vibrations of the universe. Why the BBC and Fox News picked up the story is something of a mystery – and that is probably why. The wish to find a good mystery and shake it up a bit.

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