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27 July 2011

The blog http://hillscloud.wordpress.com is herewith a recommended site to visit, as the author has asked us to make it available for interested parties. It concerns his ideas regarding the early solar system. In a 10 page print out he begins by saying that binary star systems are seemingly more common than solitary star systems such as ours and that it too may have began as a binary system. It became a one star system after a collision that was extremely violent and this event created the comets, asteroids and allowed Jupiter to swallow huge amounts of hydrogen. It seems the Genesis mission showed a similar nitrogen isotope ratio between the Sun and Jupiter, as a further hint that something like this may have happened.

The text is replete with the word 'may' and may be' and is not written in the sense of 'this is that' but is simply offering a different view of the beginnings of the solar system. There is an emphasis on re-evaluating geological assumptions such as the formation of gneiss, the granites and greenstones etc. However, comets in the Oort Cloud play a role in this scenario which may actually contradict some aspects of the EU hypothesis and which some people may find hard to digest. The Oort Cloud however does play a strong role in the neo-catastrophism of Clube and Napier (and others) as those who attended the speaker meeting at Redhill a couple of years ago when Mark Bailey the director of Armagh Observatory gave a talk on the origin of comets will know full well. In the Hillcloud scenario the Oort Cloud comets are accepted even though they have not been seen by the eye and are an essential part of the violence at the beginning of the solar system – blasted into the far parts. Hillcloud says comets may be the origin of much of the conglomerates around the world, particularly conglomerates with smooth cobbles and boulders with rounded cross sections etc. In the paragraph with the heading, Fossils in Comet Rock, he alludes to macroscopic fossils and suggests life may have arrived on Earth from a large cluster of comet impacts (thereby integrating Panspermia into the scenario). Evidence for small comet impacts in relatively recent times (which appears to include the Jurassic) may be retained by surface peculiarities such as boulder fields. You can make what you like of what he says but bear in mind it is an idea that will be refuted, for example by mainstream geologists.

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