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Speed of Light

12 October 2011

It seems some scientists are worried the general public are not up to understanding what science is all about – and fearful of the way the media presented the hullaballoo over the CERN discovery that neutrinos may travel faster than light – see www.physorg.com/print237470243.html. Sounds a bit like those politicians that have no faith in the democratic process. 

The Speed of Light is also the subject at www.physorg.com/print237460906.html – time dilation is taken into account.

Meanwhile, SIS has a video of the talk on the Speed of Light at the recent members autumn meeting in Luton ready to be uploaded on to our web site. There are a few technical details regarding sound quality to be overcome but this new resource for members unable to attend meetings is designed for them to get a flavour of what they missed. It is also hoped it will encourage more members to attend these meetings – and take part in the discussions that follow. 

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