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Black Holes and Dark Energy and Sand on Mars

5 June 2012

It might have been the coldest June weekend for over 80 years in Stockholm, see http://phys.org/print258002745.html but at http://phys.org/print258035163.html a giant black hole is being kicked out of its galaxy – the Chandra X-ray Observatory tells no lies (or does it?) Astronomers claim to have found strong evidence that a massive black hole is being ejected from its host galaxy – at a speed of several million mph. It seems it might have collided and merged with another black hole and received a powerful recoil from gravitational wave radiation, a kick in the belly that sent it shooting away far out into space. This is strange behaviour as supermassive black holes are supposed to weigh millions of times the mass of the Sun – like kicking a medicine ball in a gym. You get a sore big toe by doing that and the ball hardly moves as well. The hypothetic gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space that have never actually been detected, are just the thing to do the nefarious deed it is alleged. The problem is this might mean there are lots of giant black holes that have been kicked out of their homes and they are roaming out there, undetected, ready to gorge on all things tangible – like the occasional star.

Needless to say Thunderbolts has something to say – go to www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2012/05/28/crumpled-space-and-canceled-time/ where it is pointed out that black holes are basically mathematical constructs (the post is written by Stephen Smith and Wal Thornhill). In the EU no black hole exist.

At www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2012/06/01/enigmatic-forces/ is about dark energy – an astronomical mystery.

At www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2012/05/30/the-sands-of-mars-a-speculation/ is by Frederic Jeuneman and is an article that first appeared in The Chemist 77 (April 2000).

At www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2012/05/29/mercurys-anomalous-composition/ is by the redoubtable Stephen Smith and we learn that Mercury is slightly bigger than the Moon but smaller than Titan and Ganymede. Mercury, being close to the Sun, receives more radiation – a bombardment of charged particles. Smith outlines some anomalies and adds some conjecture.

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