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Warmer Arctic

29 August 2012
Climate change

A paper published in Nature Geoscience claims the Arctic Ocean was 1 to 2 degrees Centigrade warmer between 50,000 and 11,000 years ago – see http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/08/29/new-paper-finds-deep-arctic-ocean-… … at the height of the Late Glacial Maximum. In other words, it doesn't contradict the idea of Pole Shift. There are of course other reasons why the Arctic Ocean may have warmed, in spite of being covered by a massive ice sheet, and these are explored in the paper. One is that a decrease in the flux of fresh water into the Arctic Ocean during glacial conditions actually caused the warm layer to deepen. The results, as usual, involved modelling, in order to wiggle out an explanation to their satisfaction – or that is one way to look at it. They did not however include the expanse of Arctic continental shelf that might have been above sea level in their models, and they openly admit this. In other words, they had no way of including this in their models and so it was omitted. How much of the continental shelf was exposed? How much of the Arctic Ocean basin glaciated?

Note – putting this into perspective, increased warmth in the Arctic Ocean, some 1 to 2 degrees Centigrade was greater than modern global warmin g has managed as yet. If it is natural events that caused the Ice Ag warmth why is this not so in regards the lower jump in temperatures that we are currently enjoying. It would seem a mountain has been fashioned out of what is really a molehill.

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