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Dust grains and planet formation

30 November 2012

Funny thing, I was reading some Electric Universe stuff the other day and how they reckoned the planets formed, and here we are, at http://phys.org/print273315818.html … in one of those strange quirks or coincidences, a story of Japanese researchers coming to a similar conclusion (without the electricity) – planets formed by the acretion of dusty grains colliding and binding to each other and becoming asteroids, moons, planets and so forth. The project aims to explore nearby stars and get images of extrasolar planets and protoplanetary columns of gas and dust – and this seems to be what has been observed. The research paper was published in the journal Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Japan.

At http://phys.org/print273318366.html … experiments show that quantum electrodynamics (QED) theory is inconsistent with what actually happens in the real world, particularly where electro magnetism is concerned. QED cannot account for the behaviour of atoms in a highly charged state. The paper is published in Physical Review Letters, October 2012 but see DOI.10.1103/PhysResLett.109.153001.

Lastly, at http://phys.org/print273220389.html … which has the alluring title, 'Unexpected data from the Large Hadron Collider suggest the collisions may be producing a new type of matter'. Well, the so called new matter was theorised prior to the discovery – and had already gained it's monicker. As news on whether they really did find the Higgs Boson has gone somewhat silent as far as the general public are concerned it might be a case of give a dog a bone, or another toffee apple handed to the enthralled in expectant array. Basically, collisions between protons and lead ions at the LHC have produced 'unexpected' behaviour and this is being hailed as the particles previously theorised, 'colour glass condensates'. It is all explained in detail in the journal Physical Review B but is currently sitting and awaiting your perusal at arXiv

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