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Russian Meteor and Late Bronze Age Destructions – update

9 March 2013

It seems the recent Russian meteor did in fact generate seismic waves that were picked up in the US by seismographic stations. They are used to study earthquakes around the globe – see http://phys.org/print281690038.html

Energy from the exploding space rock created pressure waves in the atmosphere that moved rapidly outwards – but also spread 'within' the Earth as a seismic wave. Is this vindication for Claude Schaeffer?

We might imagine that a similar but greater seismic wave occurred in the Late Bronze Age, following the explosion of the 'star Anat' over Libya, or 'the flame prepared before the refugee horde' recorded around 30 years later by Ramesses III. A seismic wave on what is a major fault line and plate boundary could have caused multiple rumbles from the Aegean, across Anatolia (Turkey) to the Levant, and destroyed a swathe of settlements in the process.

The event ushered in the Dark Age, much maligned by revisionists and no doubt over egged by chronologists, but a phase of retraction none the less, in the aftermath of catastrophic upheaval of civilisation (if only on a temporary basis). Disappearing the Dark Age is perhaps a step too far, particularly as there followed in western Asia a generally dry and arid phase of climate (leading to the downfall of the descendants of Ramesses III as famine bit and drought persisted year after year). We may note similar climate change after the Early Bronze Age series of site destructions, even more devastating to civilisation in the Levant.

Several other space rock events appear to have been a feature of the Holocene, separated by thousands of years but having a pattern that even palaeo-climate specialists have attempted to link to some kind of cycle (but why not an orbit).

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