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The Big Bad Wolf is on his way

21 February 2014
Climate change

A member forwarded a link to the Daily Mash – weather experts confirmed the headline above by looking up Norse mythology which describes extensive flooding followed by the Fenris wolf. A Met Office spokesman, it is alleged, said the watery bit was going to die down a bit but a giant wolf was going to swallow the Sun. Meanwhile, Thor is due to fight a world girding serpent and the gates of hell will be opened – and there will be havoc on Earth (for everyone), a bone ship full of skeletons and dwarves will be fighting the ice giants (if they aren't melted first). Go to www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/environment/floods-to-be-followed-by-giant-w…

If that don't make you grin try www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/environment/the-rest-of-uk-excited-about-und… … which was sparked by doomsayings that alleged London will soon be under water, what with the flooding and the global warming, and Al Gore's wand.

You might also try www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/environment/environmental-agency-to-fill-som… where we learn that EA staff were feeling bored and opened the sluice gates on the levels. Now they are hatching up a plan to set loose hundreds of piranha fish, in order to finish the job and get it done properly. No morer humans – nature created it just for the water fowl (but sorry we drowned the hedgehogs and water voles and we didn't intend to help that nasty Owen Paterson chap with the badger cull – it just happened. It was an accident – honest!

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