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Acid Rain events

22 April 2014

At http://cosmictusk.com/interesting-support-for-younger-dryas-boundary-ydb… … you can read the abstract of an article with the title, 'Late Glacial Fire and Nitrogen dynamics at lacustrine sites in Alabama and Michigan: evidence of an acid rain event?'. Sediments from three lakes show roughly coeval nitrogen perturbation at the onset of the Younger Dryas (with a distinct shift in vegetation alongside evidence of landscape fires). Nitrate production in the atmosphere could have been caused by shock waves from an extra terrestrial event – together with nitrate and ammonium in ice cores at the same date.

In addition, Joanne Ballard and Andre Bijkerk hae a paper introduced at the 2014 Geography Research Symposium at Knoxville in Tennesee concerned with Kloosterman's old favourite, the Ussello Horizon (Younger Dryas boundary in the Netherlands). It is a charcoal rich layer underlain by bleached sand. In addition, Greenland and Antarctic ice core data show nitrate peaks around the onset of the Younger Dryas, and they add, atmospheric nitrate is a by-product of atmospheric explosions (cueing in Prins and Fegley, 1987) – but nitrates in the atmosphere could also have been aquired from landscape fires at the surface (Melott et al 2010).

It seems we have a lot of new names in research on catastrophic events involving objects from space – too many to catch up on. It is getting increasinly difficult to keep up with them all. At the same time this is a good thing, something we might of dreamed about 30 to 40 years ago. The research is mostly inspired by the Younger Dryas team but we should also note that Colin Keay has researched electrophonic and bolides (noisy comets and meteors, even noisy aurorae). In addition, Baillie and McAneney have published a paper in the online journal, Climate of the Past, where he elaborates on the subject of his recent talk at the SIS AGM (last Year). Basically, he repeats the claim that ice cores are seven years adrift from tree ring dates, which marks a concession from his part in that he now accepts volcanoes are responsible for the narrow growth tree ring events of 536 and 540/1AD. However, at the same time they are thinking in terms of more than a single volcano, and in fact, a multiple volcanic event (with volcanoes erupting in different places around the world). Suddenly, we find ourselves back in that strange Bronze Age situation – extraterrestrial objects creating a series of earthquake storms.

Shortly after 541 the Plague of Justinian broke out – following in the wake of the earthquake of 543 (said to have been felt throughout the whole world, meaning the Roman world). This is oddly reminiscent of the great earthquake of St Pauls Day in January of 1348 – closely followed by the arrival of the Plague in Europe.

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