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Comets and the crowns of Egyptian queens

11 May 2014

Gary Gilligan at www.gks.uk.com/comet-venus-velikovsky/ … has some interesting images of what the link calls, 'comet like crowns' – have a look and make up your own mind. For example, an image of Ankhesamun clearly has a comet like crown on the back of Tutankhamun's throne. Whether the comet has anything to do with the planet Venus is a matter of personal taste I would suppose – but they do appear to be cometary in nature, a disc surrounded by cow horns and two tall plumes. These are actually attributes of the cow goddess Hathor – a clearly catastrophic entity that threatened to gore the Earth itself and cause all kinds of mayhem. Her fellow gods and goddesses hatched a very cunning plan, in the mode of Baldrick (of Black Adder fame) (otherwise Tony Robinson of Time Team) and this involved getting the mad cow drunk on Egyptian beer. The mad cow eventually flew off (or passed Earth by the by) and the more ancient of Baldrick had a slap on the back – and we all lived happily ever after.

Gary suggests the plumes can be interpreted as auroral behaviour – sparked by the closeness of the comet and producing a similar effect as the solar wind following a CME. The horns are like the tail and the coma, which would have been extremely prominent in a close encounter. Actually, we might get a flavour of what might have happened later in the year as a comet now heading towards a rendevous with the Sun is projected to come quite close to the planet Mars.

Nefertiti is also of interest. Being of Amarna date she is described (with her comet crown) as the beautiful one. Was this a reference to the rather chic Nefertiti as portrayed on Egyptian statuary – or was it the comet that was beautiful to behold?

We may also note that Cleopatra (not so beautiful) is also depicted with the comet crown – and she was the contemporary of Caeser and came to grief at the hands of Augustus, his successor. Caeser's death involved the appearance of a very strange star (or comet) – and Augustus used this to deify his father (and therefore himself).

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