At … Tim Cullen introduces the concept of catastrophic outliers in dendro constructs that are artefacts of the smoothing process within calibration of tree rings and C14. It is a remarkable insight into what may or may not be what happened during the construction of the modern dating system so faithfully relied upon by archaeologists, historians, and various others – including anthropologists (in the previous post). Basically, he is suggesting that C14 injections into the atmosphere as a result of catastrophes were perhaps smoothed out so that it appears nothing out of the ordinary really happened – or rather, it was assumed nothing catastrophic happened. This would have created the odd outlier. He then looks at Velikovsky and his Ages in Chaos revision – and afterwards turns his attention back to Heinsohn.
One such outlier is a tree ring dated to 938BC which was C14 dated to around 733BC (smack in the middle of Velikovsky's Martian catastrophes). The difference is 205 years. Take 200 years out of orthodox chronology and you get Ramses III in early 10th century BC – contemporary with the Philistines in the Bible. Euan MacKie, in an early SIS article, had a graph of uncalibrated C14 dates that seemed to fit such a scenario – or not too far out. Malaga Bay goes on to mention a redwood that had a similar anomaly – dated 954 on the calibration curve but C14 dated at 736BC. However, as he says, Velikovsky was talking about a much larger sum of years. In order to reach that amount of revision one would have to assume calibration involved splicing and dicing the tree rings and C14 curve on a grander scale.
Turning to the AD catastrophe he provides a tree ring dated AD690 that was C14 dated to 943AD, a discrepancy of 252 years. He then says that catastrophist dendrochronology (the idea of outliers) provides broad support for two worldwide catastrophes (BC and AD) which reinforces both Velikovsky and Heinsohn. The latter, we may note, would be more comparable to Hunnivari than Heinsohn – but that is by the way. Have a read and a think.