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Expanding Planet

22 June 2016

A real life expanding planet has been found – who says an expanding earth is out of the question? Go to http://phys.org/print385792115.html … Expanding planets have been known about by astronomers for nearly 20 years (but nobody seems to have told the geologists). What causes them to expand is a mystery. The planet in question appears to be a giant gas type similar, shall we say, to Jupiter. Can gas giants expand but rocky ones not so?

At http://phys.org/print385800175.html … a distant black hole eats a star and then there is an X-ray flash of light. Is this theory before fact? Are they actually observing what they want to see – confirmation of consensus theory? It seems that in reality the so called star that was eaten is only visible from what are thought to be its remains – a giant puffy cloud forming a sort of disc formation (which is assumed to be an accretion at the mouth of the black hole). Saying this cloud is the remains of a shredded star seems to be a leap of imagination – but I stand to be corrected. The cloud of gas, described as an accretion on the lips of the black hole, is waiting its turn to be devoured – but is that the right interpretation? The disc of gas could be as a result of something quite different – and the key might lie in the nature of the bright flash of light (an x-ray flare). The article is published in Nature (June 22nd 2016). Do black holes exist and did one just swallow a star?

At http://phys.org/print385809623.html … another study in Nature (above) where modelling is being used to predict hundreds of massive black hole mergers each year observable with the second generation of gravitational wave detectors. Seems like they are going ahead on the assumption they have actually detected two black holes merging – relying on consensus theory. We might wonder how much veracity there might be in the models.


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