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25 February 2017

At https://phys.org/print407057607.html … the study of ancient skulls in the Americas seems to suggest there were multiple migrations, which contrasts with what the study of genes has been telling us. Genetic research seems to show a remarkable conformity in the original settlers of the Americas – so is genetic research really at the cutting edge if skull shapes seem to weigh against it? It may be due to limited sampling of genetic material and the bigger the data base becomes the more variety will be found. It may be that the end of Pleistocene experienced a mass die off of humans (similar to the disappearance and shortfall in numbers of the animals that survived the event). Perhaps anthropologists and scientists in general do not want to raise the possibility of a drop in the population of humans, in case they are regarded as loonies. They would then have to account for the drastic fall in the population of animals as well – but human hunting and climate change are currently all that is being looked at. The point made is that ancient human skulls differ considerably and this seems to reflect a repeated series of migrations in the Late Pleistocene and in the Holocene. 

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