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Fossil Dinosaur Dinner

10 March 2017

At https://phys.org/print408099790.html … a rare find of digested remains of food has been found inside the stomach of a dinosaur – fossilised. The find comes from Patagonia …

   … the seeds have been permineralised (replaced by hard minerals) which has allowed their preservation. Some of the seeds were whole, meaning the dinosaur had gobbled them rather than chewing them. They were tough enough to pass through the digestive system and be expelled as seed bombs (but in this instance the death of the dinosaur had intervened). The seeds come from Jurassic cycads.

Staying on theme, Robert sent some links through last week to a Creationist web site that deals with unpermineralisation of dinosaur remains. In other words, they are preserved remarkably well as bones, and just as bones (although it is unclear if all the skeletal material was unpermineralised or just part of it). There is nothing particularly novel about this, I would have thought, as I have some Jurassic wood that is very definitely still wood. I also have some fossilised wood – that looks like stone, is as heavy as stone, and is permineralised. Both pieces came out of the same quarry. See https://creation.com/fresh-dinosaur-bones-found/ and http://creation.com/unpermineralized-hadrosaur-bones-alaska/ … which the author claims has not been subject to C14 dating methodology. As C14 does not go further back than 40,000 years ago the palaeontologists probably thought it was a waste of time. I don't suppose many palaeontologists have even given a thought to C14 dating their finds. I also suppose the author was hoping the dinosaur remains could confirm a young earth scenario. At http://creation.com/curious-case-unfossilized-bones/ … it develops into a sort of conspiracy theory. I'm sure if somebody was willing to stump up the money they could be C14 dated – but it is an expensive procedure.


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