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DNA and Europeans

2 April 2017

At https://phys.org/print410172163.html … DNA research is said to map the migration route of early farmers 8000 years ago – courtesy of the University of Huddersfield's Archaeogenetic Research Group. However, the sample comes from just 1500 mitochondrial genome lineages spread over a large area. Is that enough? They think they have evidence of post-glacial expansion from western Asia (a so called refugia from the ice sheet). Population shift is very likely in the post-glacial period as the temperate zone appears to have changed dramatically – and therefore the semi-tropical zones also. However, they come up with a date of 13,000 years ago – roughly at the time of the Younger Dryas Event (when cooler global temperatures prevailed for around a 1000 years).  So, where did all the Ice Age artists go to?

The spread was into the central and eastern Mediterranean region it is alleged, and only reached Iberia after 8000 years ago. This is the same time that early farmers spread out of Anatolia into the Balkans and Eastern Europe (forming the later backbone of the peasant classes). We may note that the Mediterranean area was never glaciated – so what else might have caused movements at 13,000 and 8000 years ago. Catastrophic events could fill the knowledge gap. At both times there were massive changes in sea level (one clue) and we already have a hypothesis for a cosmic event at 13,000 years ago. Might there also have been one at 8000 years ago?

At https://phys.org/print410172818.html … the University of Huddersfield again – this time Late Minoan Crete (Late Bronze Age). Teeth from 600 skeletons from a rock hewn burial site that dates to the Late Minoan period (contemporary dynasty 18 in Egypt) as well as teeth samples from 100 contemporary Cretans, have been evaluated. Rather, they are in the process of being evaluated – as not results are published.

At https://phys.org/print410172474.html … and we have Huddersfield once again – unlocking the secrets of the Sardinians. A high proportion of the population was derived from people going back to the Neolithic and Bronze Ages (between 8000 and 2000 years ago) as for centuries they little contact with mainland Europe (it is thought). At one time, when sea level in the Mediterranean was low, there may have been a land link to Europe – but for thousands of years it has been isolated. This raises the possibility the sea level in the Mediterranean may have been much lower prior to 8000 years ago – but it is not spelt out in the press release.

At https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.co.uk/2017/03/rich-roman-haul-su… … a site in what is now the Netherlands, Tiel in the province of Gelderland, has turned up a rich hoard of Roman artefacts.


Finally, for your amusement, at https://phys.org/print410159585.html … why are some people more gullible than others? Apparently, the study begins, we are a gullible species (and who could argue with that) as the evolution of our cultures involves the ability to receive, learn, trust, and act on stories we get from others. Is this why CAGW and Climate Weirding have been widely accepted by the faithful (and those that can't be bothered to look into the subject and follow the money trail)?. It raises a lot of queries on human nature. Why do people always fall for the political hype at election time. 

Basically, what the research is showing is that people believe lies (on trust) and only a minority will question the very big lies. The point of it all really is that we are all liable to gullibility – even sceptics.  

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