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Black Hole Anomaly

1 September 2017

Sandia National Laboratory has conducted a hands on experiment that appears to contradict another assumption – and this concerns the X-ray spectra from the vicinity of black holes (see https://phys.org/print423147374.html). The experimental results were published in the journal Physical Review Letters and came about as emissions directly from black holes cannot be observed. We see emissions from surrounding matter before it is consumed into the accretion disc. It is thought that once captured by the black hole no material or radiation, including x-rays and visible light, can escape because the gravitational field of the black hole is so intense. It is gravitation that is supposed to prevent us seeing into the black hole – or accretion disc. However, it is admitted that it is plasma that emits the x-rays (described as exotic plasmas) and that models of black holes have never been tested. It is all theory – none of it can be substantiated.

The Sandia experiment was devised to test the model. However, we also learn that differences between theory and reality were pointed out as long as 20 years ago when some physicists found that some ionisation was present on an accretion disc they studied. Subsequently these concerns were short lived as they were explained away, and accepted by mainstream in general, as energised ions leaking from the intense gravitational pull of black holes, which became known as Auger decay. It is this decay that has been disproved. Astro-physicists now have to explain the ionisation as witnessed by some other method.

Over at https://phys.org/print423329674.html … we are told house sized Near Earth Objects (or NEOs) are rare objects in the grand scheme of things – such as the one that exploded over Chelyabinsk in 2013. The Dark Energy Camera (yet to discover or see dark energy) is able to look at asteroids and comets that are invisible to other space cameras. They have shown there are 3.5 million NEOs larger than 10m and about 90 per cent of them are in the Chelyabinsk size range. The study has the benefit that it came from observational data with no external model assumptions. In fact it contradicted mainstream assumptions that had thought such NEOs were more abundant. Small NEOs are concentrated in bands of collision debris which likely came about from fragmentation of larger NEOs – ie creating swarms of boulders that continue to orbit. This is much like the situation predicted by Clube and Napier but it is left unsaid if the swarms have any connection with the Taurid complex.

See the pre-publish article at www.arxiv.org/pdf/1707.04066.pdf

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