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Pylos Combat Agate

14 November 2017

These links were forwarded by Chris and Laurence – one at www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/11/171107092910.htm … and the other at www.sciencealert.com/bronze-age-greek-sealstone-pylos-combat-griffin-war…

  … before and after cleaning. It comes from the tomb of the Griffin Warrior – going back 3500 years to the Mycenaean era. It is being described as a fine piece of art work and depicts warriors in combat – yet it is just 1.4 inches across. This is minute art work – but the detail is astonishing.


Other delights discovered in the tomb include four god signet rings, silver cups, stone beads, ivory combs, swords, etc. The seal is known as the Pylos Combat Agate and is set to re-write the history of Greek art. It took experts more than a year to clean the limestone encrusted seal stone – no wonder they were chuffed with the outcome. The origin of the art is thought to be Minoan Crete.

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