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Migrations and Climate Change

23 November 2017

Researchers are catching up it seems as migrations in the historical past are now being linked to switches in global climate (and tectonic activity) at different times in the Holocene. A paper in PNAS is briefly described at https://phys.org/print430472642.html … but doesn't give much away (unfortunately). No doubt Popular Archaeology will give us a bit more info on the when and how later in the week. However, it is worth pointing out they are still ignoring the bigger factor – catastrophism. One needs to establish a reason why ocean currents change suddenly or drought replaces periods of high precipitation – not merely say climate change was the cause. Climate change is actually the result of other factors. CAGW adherents say modern climate change is due to human emissions from fossil fuels. Therefore, something must have caused climate change in the past. It didn't just happen – there is a cause and effect. Only when this is factored in can we understand the history of 6th to 2nd millenniums BC – which includes a recurring set of migrations in different parts of the world. Moe Mandelkehr showed how migrations were a fact of life in the second half of the 3rd millennium BC (see SIS journals which can be purchased at a bargain price at the moment).

Meanwhile, The Times (Nov 14th 2017) had a remarkable piece on Roman silverware – the so called Aldobandini Tacce silver gilt cups and caesars. Apparently, the Roman emperors had become detached from the dishes (they unscrewed) and were attached to the wrong dishes. Each dish or cup was divided into four segments with a scene in each from an event in that emperor's life. Therefore, attaching the wrong emperor, or caesar, to the wrong cup or dish has over the years caused some confusion. Now a concerted effort has been made to locate all of them (in various places around the world) and put the caesars back in their proper place. They will be on display at the National Trust Waddesden Manor (near Aylesbury) from next March. The whole collection weighs 82lbs – and will make for it worth a visit. The four vignettes pertaining to each caesar have in the past caused some embarrassment as they conflict with historical sources. The inspiration for them comes from the 'Twelve Caesars' written by Seutonius in the 2nd century AD. The silverware itself goes back to the 1500s – commissioned by the Habsburg dynasty. Presumably some of them came into the possession of the Rothschild family, hence the link with Waddesden Manor. The Habsburgs saw the 12 Caesars as role models for their own dynasty. They did not mention on the vignettes any of the bad points of Nero or Caligula, for example, and stuck to the good points.

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