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Ancient Mexican Monsoon

5 September 2018

At https://phys.org/print455182676.html … analysing traces of leaf wax from local plants that accumulated in sediments in the sea by a team of researchers at the University of Arizona have reconstructed a history of monsoon activity in NW Mexico  and SW United States. The research was published in Nature Geosciences (Sept 3rd 2018) and shows that monsoon activity did indeed continue during the Late Glacial Maximum – but at a reduced level. Monssons divert moisture from the tropics and bring relief to long hot summers in the arid zones (above). The research is thought to show that colder periods of climate (such as the last ice age) weakens the monsoon whilst warmer periods (as in the modern world) intensify them. Future research will focus on the last Interglacial Period (120,000 years ago) in order to bear out the theory (as this was a period warmer than the modern period, it is thought).

One may also reinterpret the conclusion somewhat differently – from a catastrophist point of view. If the North Pole was relocated slightly in the LGM as proposed by physicist Peter Warlow at an SIS speaker meeting, in order to explain the southward expansion of the ice sheet, one may suppose the monsoon over northern Mexico also retreated southwards (during the LGM)  and therefore it would have been weaker in its current location. In other words, the evidence produced in this research could actually be used to support Pole shift – in a feeble way (I admit). What we have is research that does not dispute pole shift – but the proof of the pudding will of course be in East Asia and Siberia. If the myriad Chinese scientists in the pipeline get around to checking out the LGM period in East Asia we could have a different ball game.

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