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Distant Objects

5 October 2018

At https://phys.org/print457686574.html … a new very distant object found in the hunt for Planet X, far beyond the orbit of Pluto. Full details are available in October's issue of Astronomical Journal (2018). It has an elongated orbit and never comes anywhere near the gas giants (such as Neptune) so cannot be influenced by gravity pull. However, Planet X (currently invisible) is said to affect the orbit of the object.

This is reminiscant of a story from a few years ago at https://astroengine.com/2008/11/06/meet-antipholus-and-antipholus-a-very… … which again refers to objects beyond the reach of Neptune – this time twin objects first discovered back in 2001. They have an orbital period of 30 years.

At https://phys.org/print457691332.html … black holes ruled out as the missing dark matter of the universe. It seems some cosmologists had an unhealthy idea that black holes might actually be the missing dark matter, a theory that escalated after the discovery of gravitational waves (with a hypothetical origin in colliding black holes). This idea then spawned the notion there were countless black holes out there currently in hiding. Unfortunately, physicists have dashed their hopes with a statistical analysis of 740 bright supernova. None of them appear to be magnified or brightened by hidden black hole gravitationals lenses. Black holes, we are told, can make up only 40 per cent of dark matter. The good news for cosmologists is that like their own theory the physicists analysis is also based on certain assumptions.

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