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Exploding Stars

1 December 2018

At https://phys.org/print462785907.html … a supernova discovered by several astronomers in different parts of the world has provided an unprecedented look at the first moments of a supernova explosion. The mechanism which starts the process into motion are actually unknown – in spite of what we have been assured by mainstream pontifications. They are, it seems, largely theoretical. What was observed was a brightening at the onset – earlier than expected.

At https://phys.org/print462787644.html … black hole doughnuts are actually fountains of gas. Apparently, rings of gas surrounding active black holes are not simple doughnut shapes. Instead, gas expelled from the centre of the black holes interacts with infalling gas to create a dynamic circulation pattern.

At https://phys.org/print462793069.html … a team from the Australian National University has used data from the Kepler space telescope to witness the first moments of a star dying – in apparent detail. However, we are then told it took 170 million years until February 2017 to detect the light produced by the supernova. What Kepler observer was a minute change in brightness (as in the first link) but ground based telescopes saw this as changes in colour.

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