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Alaskan Muck Deposits

11 June 2019

What has been found in the Muck deposits rather than what caused the muck deposits. See for example https://mostlymammoths.wordpress.com/tag/alaska/ … in 2004 scientists in the Yukon discovered a surprising remnant of the Pleistocene, an Ice Age flower meadow (including some of the grasses which were still green but dating back 30,000 years ago). It was situated below a layer of tephra at Gold Bottom Creek, some 40m long (and buried and preserved by the volcanic ash). It is therefore an invaluable source of information about conditions in the Yukon during the Late Pleistocene. As far as fossilised animal bone is concerned it is mostly woolly mammoths, bison and horses that are commonly found, especially in mining operations. However, bears and camels are also found, even lions and ground squirrels.

At www.mininghistoryassociation.org/FairbanksConference.htm … annual conference 2017 at the University of Fairbanks in Alaska. In 1903 and 1904 the Fairbanks gold rush drew thousands of people into interior Alaska. Placer mining led to lode mining in 1911 and later, large gold dredges (reworking many of the small placer mines).

At www.discoveryworld.us/the-wonders-of-creation/jungles-under-arctic-ice-s… … oil prospectors in the Arctic zone of Alaska have discovered what was once a large tropical forest (described as jungle), now frozen below 1100 to 1700 feet of ice and rocks. Drilling rigs bring up parts of fruit and palm trees and the remains of tropical animals. These things are strangely ignored and left unreported by mainstream media, more intent on virtue signalling about the modern environment. Coal rserves in polar regions also show that tropical forests once grew in abundance where there is now nothing but ice. A 90 foot tall fruit tree with ripe fruit and green leaves still on its branches has been discovered in the frozen soil of the New Siberian Islands (off the beaten track of western media). Palm tree fossils have been found in northern Alaska and there are thousands of mammoths frozen and preserved (note the word thousands, a numeral mainstream consciously ignore). There is even a reference to the Berezovka Mammoth (now in a museum in St Petersburg). Much of the head, which was sticking out of the ground for an unknown time, had been gnawed down to the bone by wolves – but most of the rest of the head was in good condition. The lips, the lining of the mouth, and the tongue were preserved. Pieces of the animal's last meal were stuck between its teeth. It did not have the time to swallow them. It was mainly sedges and grasses. Some 24 pounds of undigested vegetation was removed from its stomach and analysed. Forty different kinds of plant – herbs, grasses, mosses, shrubs and the leaves of trees. The presence of so many different plants that presently only grow well to the south suggests strongly the climate of northern Siberia was considerably milder than it is today – in spite of the expansion of ice over the Canadian Shield and NW Europe.


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