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Giant Parrot

12 August 2019

New Zealand is known for some unusual birds, from flightless (such as the kiwi) to over large (such as the Moa). It once harboured giant geese and a giant eagle. Now, it has a giant parrot – see https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2019/08/meet-herculesthe-gia… … the fossil remains are said to go back 19 million years – to the Miocene period. In fact, the site has offered up a rich assemblage of fossil birds. One may wonder how birds come to be fossilised intach and buried in the earth. Why don't they just fly away. Other animals also occur in the deposit – so something unusual occurred.

The parrot lived in a subtropical forest where many species of laurels and palms grew along with podocarp trees. These provied the birds with a fruit diet we are told.

Another fasinating group of fossils is in the Nairobe Natural Museum (see https://phys.org/news/2019-08-hidden-mysteries-kenya-fossil-treasury.html … where we have a giant crocodile jawbone with very large teeth. This one goes back 23 million years ago. There are apparently tons and tons of fossils at the museum that have yet to be catalogued.

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