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Sticking to the Comet theme …

17 December 2019

At www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2019/12/the-worzel-deep-sea-ash/ … we are told that there is a nickel rich ash layer on the bottom of the world's oceans. They imply all the world's oceans. Thunderbolts are suggesting it came about as a plasma discharge – but is this realistic. They also say little happens on the floor of the oceans – which appears to underestimate deep sea vents and a lot of volcanic activity that has recently been monitored. Further along we lean that it was back in 1949 that ocean cores were extracted and it was said, at the time, the nickel had a meteoric origin. The important part, as Thunderbolts emphasize, is that there was too much nickle for such an explanation – as it would imply a much greater amount of meteors in the past than occurs in the present.

Later, in 1958, Lamar Worzel of Columbia University, also investigated the sea floor and also discovered a layer of meteoric dust, or ash, evenly distributed over the sea floor. It was spread in a layer of remarkable uniformity. Hence, it could not be volcanic in origin, we are assured – unless there had been a lot of volcanoes erupting at the same time. It is then speculated it might have had a cometary origin (a close encounter with the earth)  or even a planetary size body (sparking massive discharges between itself and the Earth, even excavating huge amounts of material subsequently transferred from one body to the other). On the other hand it could easily be explained by the Clube and Napier hypothesis – the Earth periodically encountering streams of material from a disintegrating centaur object (resulting in meteoric bombardments of the Earth). I suppose you takes your pick and run with it.

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