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Venus Volcanoes

21 July 2020

I thought  it was already recognised that volcanoes on Venus were a source of its anomalous heat. That heat was used by Velikovsky to suggest Venus was a young planet – and had not yet cooled down. The idea Venus suffers from runaway global warming as a result of Venusian greenhouse gases, such as co2, has been accepted for a number of years. It seems even the presence of volcanoes on Venus did not cause a second thought. Apparently, mainstream insisted they were inactive. That sounds like not facing up to the facts, an all too common attribute nowadays. It seems they cannot  squirm out of the latest findings. Active volcanoes exist on Venus. And they are big.

Gary  sent in the link www.newscientist.com/article/2249401-dozens-of-active-volcano-sites-spot… … dozens of active volcanoes spotted on Venus. The same story is at Tall Blokes talk shop and  at https://phys.org/news/2020-07-scientists-volcanoes-venus.html … and no doubt elsewhere.

The key word here is 'active'. In the past Venusian volcanoes were reported – but they were not regarded as active (for some peculiar reason). Active as in erupting. A comment at Tall Bloke's talk shop says it was pretty obvious they were active as a lot of sulphur had been detected in the Venusian atmosphere. They seem to have decided not to peer further and pretend runaway greenhouse gases was the equivalent of King Kong when really volcanoes were leading the teddy bears. Velikovskians may take heart, I suppose, in that in a young Venus one might expect a lot of volcanoes popping off.  In the new study data from ESAs Venus Express spacecraft was used, in conjuntion with NASAs Magellan Mission data, in order to map regions of volcanic activity. They found at least 37 sites of interest and they were all much larger than volcanoes on earth. The average size of volcano on Venus was three times bigger than Mauna Loa on Hawaii, the largest active volcano on earth. The 37 sites in question seem to have formed an arc, around the contours of Venus – a ring of fire.

At https://cosmosmagazine.com/space/astronomy/volcanoes-are-still-active-on… … we are given more facts than the other two links as  this piece is written by science writer Richard Lovett of Oregon. For example, he speculates that volcanoes may have added to the amount of greenhouse gases spewed out on Venus in order to account for it's prolonged high heat. In other words, it would seem the new information about active volcanoes is not going to make the runaway greenhouse theory go away. It is too ingrained, as far as mainstream are concerned. It would have to be prised apart from their dead hands. The surface of Venus is thought to be something like 470 degrees Celsius, hot enough to melt lead (we are told). It also mentions a cataclysm that occurred 500 to 700 million years ago. This is said to be a global convulsion of volcanism on Venus – followed by  millions of years of inactivity. Seems like mainstream have used uniformitarian numbers to move the volcanism out of sight, into the backwoods, long ago. Volcanism was being kept at arms length it would seem. What will be the response by the guardians of science at the news active volcanoes are spitting out sulphur and greenhouse cooling gases on a regular basis.

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