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Pothole in Space

21 August 2020

Sent in by William. At www.yahoo.com/news/pothole-space-evolving-dent-earths-141150074.html … there is an evolving dent in earth's magnetic field over South America and the South Atlantic. NASA is said to be worried as it  presents problems for satellites. The South Atlantic Anomaly is a weak spot in the earth's magnetic field, it is thought. It seems to be growing. Splitting into two lobes …

. from a space perspective it is like a pothole in the protective shield around the earth. We may worry about pot holes in our roads which damage tyres and throw out wheel alignments, but this is many orders of magnitude greater. The pot hole in space allows charged particles to slip down to the surface of the earth. As such, the potholes radiation may interfere with onboard computers (in satellites) and thwart communications, and data collection.

Over at https://spaceweather.com (August 21st) we are told Mars is apparently getting closer to the earth. Not only that, its brightness is increasing. Nothing out of the ordinary of course as it is the logistics of the orbits of the two planets.

Finally, at https://phys.org/news/2020-08-sustained-planetwide-storms-lakes-rivers.html … a study from the U of Texas at Austin is seeking to piece together the ancient climate of Mars. They are on a separate field of thought from the recent glaciation was responsible hypothesis. The study, published in the journal Geology, with a slant towards geological theory, takes a look at precipitation. Water in lakes and rivers (now dried up). The lakes actually look like craters – or something more dramatic from an electric universe perspective, and water in what they call rivers, or overflow channels …

  … to geologists the existence of river beds and palaeo lakes paints a picture of a planet with significant rainfall and snow melt. The problem, apparently, is that  climate models of Mars have been unable to reproduce an ancient reconstruction with large amounts of liquid water in order to fit the observed geology. One or the other seems to be wrong.

See also www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8652321/ … sent in by Gary.



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