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Sulfur on Venus

29 January 2021

At https://phys.org/news/2021-01-purported-phosphine-venus-ordinary-sulfur…. … in September, and posted on the News, a team in the UK claimed they had detected the chemical phosphine in the thick clouds of Venus. It was discovered via radio telescopes and surprised so called Venus experts, we are told. This is a press release, it would seem, but it does coagulate the opposite point of view. What exactly are Venus experts? Presumably, the discovery did not fit in to the idea of a runaway global warming view of Venus. On the other hand, are mainstream attempting to shore up the defences. Worth going to the  full article because if there is phosphine in the clouds swirling around Venus there is a strong possibility those clouds could harbour life. If the building blocks of life have an origin in space, aka Hoyle and Ramasinghe, the presence of phosphine might not be an anomaly. There is intense opposition to this idea, it would seem, which may account for the new study. It ain't necessarily so of course, which is why some delving into the actual research paper is worth while.

The initial claim of phosphine led to studies that sought to find out if phosphine really did exist on Venus, as its presence was not definite. The study in question revolves around a 'robust model' of the atmosphere of Venus, we are told. What is a robust model. Are they like the climate models that always run hotter than the real world? What was the input used to make up the 'robust model'? What goes in reflects on what comes out. If something is missed going in it limits the robustness of the model. How robust is 'robust'? You can read the study at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-020-1174-4 … where we learn the 'robust model' found that the initial study had under estimated the amount of sulfur dioxide in the clouds of Venus. They may well be right if a lot of volcanic activity is still going on at the surface. 

A much more interesting study article is at https://phys.org/news/2021-01-magnetic-mystery-sun-outer-layer.html … magnetic waves explain the mystery of the Sun's outer layer, the corona, and why it is so much hotter than inner layers of the Sun's surface, such as the chromosphere.

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