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Sun’s Clock

17 June 2021

At https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2021/06/17/the-suns-clock-calculations-s… … there are various links to similar stories from the past in the introduction, links to papers and studies by mainstream and not so mainstream. The subject matter is the Sun and its cycles. These are mostly neutered by climate scientists as they desire that co2 is at the vanguard, the most important influence on the climate. Obviously, the idea the Sun plays any role in global warming or cooling brings the focus on co2 into dispute. This, in spite of the fact that it is the Sun that warms the earth and when the Sun is dimmed [by atmospheric dust, from a volcano for example] the temperature on earth plunges. How they have managed to get away with the crackpot idea co2 plays a major role is truly a mystery – but the big hitters are extremely devious [especially when there is a lot of loot in the offing]. The latest wheeze of course is to run down the share price of western oil companies so they can be purchased at a snip. They know renewable energy will never provide enough energy for a modern society and they are wrangling to pick up oil shares cheaply so that when the subsidies on wind collapse they can seamlessly bring Big Oil back to life. However, the outcome may be a bit more messy than they calculate.

Solar physicists have been beavering away in the background in order to try and understand solar cycles, the elephant in the room. These include not just the more obvious 11 year cycles [and the 22 year double cycle] but longer cycles – one at 85 years and another close to 200 years. We are told the Sun's magnetic field controls these fluctuations – but explanations on how this happens differ widely. Why does the magnetic field change? Is the Sun controlled externally?

A new paper [see https://phys.org/news/2021-06-sun-clock-planetary-hypothesis.html …] has taken a closer look at the Sun's orbital movements. It is not fixed at the centre of the solar system as recognised many years ago by an Australian scientist, Rhodes Fairbridge, and revolves around what is known as a barycentre. It involves a dance around the centre point of the solar system as a result of influence by the big planets Jupiter and Saturn. The Earth itself triggers small motions in the liquid core of the planet as it spins in orbit. They are thinking along the lines of something similar happening as the Sun spins around at the heart of the solar system. The researchers have come up with the idea that part of the Sun's angular momentum could be transferred to its rotation and thus affect the internal dynamo process – thought to produce the magnetic field of the Sun. Obviously, adherents of the electric universe model would see this somewhat differently, but Tall Bloke was heavily involved in research associated with planetary influences on the Sun. The researchers go on to speculate that these influences on the Sun would affect the magnetic storage capacity, which may then snag and break towards the surface [of the Sun]. Experimenting and modelling the data they found the magnetic field of the Sun changed at a rate of around 193 years. This is very close to the 200 year cycle of the Sun, the so called Swiss-de Vreis cycle, estimated between 180 and 230 years. This cycle would thus be the result of not just the Sun's own movements but the tidal force of the planets.

Full paper is open access see https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11207-021-01822-4

At https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2021/06/17/ocean-circulation-is-key-to-u… … ocean circulation, for a long time, was thought to control play a role as a climate knob of the earth – but fell out of fashion as it diminished the postulated role of co2 as the major influence on earth temperatures. However, the problem climate scientists have is that their models do not conform with real world observations, in spite of the hype surrounding them. According to https://phys.org/news/2021-06-ocean-circulation-key-uncertainties-climat… … some 30 state of the art climate models 'predict' dramatically different climate for the northern hemisphere – mainly European focussed. This new paper seeks to understand why such models disagree with each other and it seems that one factor is they have varying input as far as ocean circulation is concerned. How can that happen? One might think that by diminishing the role of the global ocean circulation system different levels of uptake took place. However, one may also suspect that this is just the thin end of the wedge and even bigger factors in climate models are producing variant 'state of the art' versions. It's a start, one might say, one brick out of the wall. A pretty big brick mind you as the ocean circulation system is closely connected to the El Nino and La Nina phenomenon – and the eventual dissipation of warmth at the poles.

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