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Comet Strikes

26 June 2021

At https://phys.org/news/2021-06-ancient-civilization-shift.html …. is another one in the long line of Younger Dryas to and fro. We are told a cluster of comet fragments nearly 13,000 years ago may have shaped the origins of human civilisation. It seems to coincide with how human societies went on to organise themselves – the boundary between hunter-gatherers and the Neolithic. The origins of the Neolithic are lost – but the process occurred in more than one place. An early SIS article suggested it had a lot to do with catastrophism – and the shortage of food in the wake of a major event. Grasses grow quickly and run to seen and would have presented the survivors with a lifeline – of a sort. Subsequently, grasses could easily have been selected and evolved into bigger grains etc., and the same thing could have happened in Peru just as easily as it did in the Fertile Crescent – or even in sub Sahara Africa. That alone could have led to permanent settlements -= or at the least, fairly long seasonal habitation.

The research comes from Edinburgh University – so it would seem the UK has become involved in the idea of a major catastrophic event involving comet fragments at the Younger Dryas boundary. Previously, academia in the UK has largely ignored the issue. We are told geological data from four continents, which includes North America and Greenland, were looked at. High levels of platinum and rocks melted at very high temperature as well as the discovery of nano diamonds that form during high energy explosions are all part of the proposal. Then we have Dr Martin Sweatman adding, the catastrophe may have been memorialised on the giant stone pillars of Gobekli Tepe, on high ground overlooking the Syrian plain. See https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103677

Over at https://vnexplorer.net/bible-sodom-and-gomorrah-destroyed-by-an-explodin… … which comes with some  visuals. Here they provide a date, 1700BC. This, they say, was provided by C14 methodology. The source of the information appears to be Dr Philip Silvia of Trinity South West University, following 13 seasons of excavation. It goes on to give the source of the information as the TeHEP web site – so this is nothing to do with the upcoming paper [currently under review].



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