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Shocking the System

2 November 2021

At www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2021/08/20/the-shocking-truth/ … Andrew Hall is a man with some interesting ideas on geology. His talks, at conference, are always well received, and the various offerings he dishes up to Thunderbolts. Some people think he is actually rewriting geological theory – which is untrue. He is offering some different ways to interpret some of the rocks of the world. Fred Hoyle, in one of his books, described the effects of lightning on mountain tops, and high ground. I imagined at the time he was talking about the Lake District, a favourite hiking and national park in the UK. Andrew Hall starts off by presenting us with some images of jumbled rocks. Anyone that has done some hill walking, or hiking on high ground, has probably come across something similar. Lightning is attracted to high points, such as trees and tall buildings [hence lightning rods]. Presumably, it is also attracted to mountains and rocky hilltops. However, it will also strike trees in valleys or on flat ground, even people going about their business [on occasion]. Andrew Hall also says his ideas are proof of Velikovsky's catastrophism. That has to depend on when these things occurred – the dates given by Velikovsky. He also relies a lot on the shock waves created by meteors to get the idea up and running. Whatever, there is a lot on here that is not currently recognised by geologists, when appraising rock faces and sedimentary layering. In figure 18 [there are a lot of images displayed] he shows how separation bubbles in shock waves can layer sediments by differing chemistry one on top of each other. He compares this to sand dune formation, as an example. One is left wondering what shock waves might have done during the dinosaur killing asteroid strike. How much it may have altered the landscape. In that respect, he may be on to something. However, is there any evidence of massive lightning discharges between planets – which I am supposing where the Velikovsky connection may have been made? 

These are processes still not onboard with the geological heirarchy. Cosmic debris belongs to astronomers, not earth scientists. Hence, one could say that Andrew Hall was at the cutting edge of bringing this feature to our attention. Whether it is proof of the electric universe as espoused on Thunderbolts is something else. Shock waves could have been a feature of major extinction events – which would include the end of Permian and the Triassic boundary with the Jurassic. Other, lesser, catastrophic events, may have terminated the various geological periods right up to the end of the last Ice Age, providing scope for shock waves altering the landscape. We don't as yet know which ones may have involved a space rock. Andrew Hall has found Thunderbolts to be an enthusiastic recipient of his ideas. However, did he angle his ideas in order to suit interplanetary electronic discharge theories. Do they, instead, more properly belong to asteroids and meteors? One to mull over.

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