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Black Hole Twins and Quartets

21 December 2021

At https://phys.org/news/2021-12-astronomers-spy-quartet-cavities-giant.html … astronomers have found four enormous cavities, or bubbles, at the centre of a galaxy cluster, using NASA s Chandra X-ray Observatory. It is speculated this may have been caused by eruptions from two supermassive black holes – closely orbiting each other.

You may wonder why black holes are a favourite topic on this site. The big question though is – are astronomers misinterpreting what they see in their telescopes? Are their models as whacky as the Covid 19 models?

At https://phys.org/news/2021-12-black-holes-immediately-big.html … we are informed that a model of the universe has proposed that black holes have existed from the very beginning – and these primordial black holes could then be the as yet undetected dark matter. It is hoped, they say, the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope, a cosmic time machine looking at the far universe, will shed further light on the subject.

It just so happens this object, or another similar pair, has been aired at www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2021/12/13/twisted-pairs-2/ … and although some features of the electric universe are harder to accept than others, I think they might have their finger on the button with this one. A vintage galaxy is said to host two black holes – a story on the News a couple of weeks ago. Electric currents in plasma generate magnetic fields that constrict the current. This is known as 'Bennet Pinch' – or 'z-pinch.' The pinched electric filaments remain coherent over long distances, spiraling around each other, and forming helical structures that can be seen in various bodies in the universe. Even in comets. They are often seen with twin ion tails, or kinked tails, or even with multiple tails. Comets demonstrate the electrical nature of charged celestial objects, they say. Planetary nebulae are threaded through with strings and webs. Glowing, braided filaments, are sometimes visible in jets that blast out from stars and some galaxies. The filaments are called Birkeland currents and they are the visible portion of enormous electrical circuits that form the large scale structures of the universe itself. The circuits generate magnetic fields that can be mapped, so their helical shape can actually be seen.

The behaviour of plasma is shaped by conditions within the circuits. Fluctuations in charge flow form double layers with enormous voltages between them. This means that electric forces in double layers can be several orders of magnitude stronger than gravity. Double layers separate plasma into cells and filaments that can have different temperatures or densities. According to the press release, a colliding pair of galaxies is creating a double eye formation. Since it is a principle of cosmology that most galaxies harbour a supermassive black hole with gravity exceeding one hundred million stellar masses the conclusion of mainstream is that they are detectable because vast clouds of dust and gas are supposedly feeding the black holes. However, in EU, the position taken is that they are looking down the barrel of a Birkeland current filament pair spiraling down and concentrating electrical energy. The Bennet pinch regions are seen head-on, where electricity flowing into them causes the plasma to erupt in a burst of radiation. A quite different perspective, but interesting.

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