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Issues with Plate Tectonics

24 June 2022

At https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2022/06/08/serious-issues-with-plate-tectonics/ … concerns David Pratt’s misgivings which he published in 2000. There are, apparently, multiple problems with the theory of Plate Tectonics and seafloor spreading. Mainstream would not of course admit this as populist books on geology recite the PT mantra without a whisper of dissent. One of the problems  picked out by Pratt, and by the Thunderbolts author, is the idea of terranes, or pieces of rock formation with an origin in other parts of the world, sometimes thousands of miles distant. How do these terranes travel to become lodged in their present day habitat? One can imagine a computer geek moving bits of plate, or terrane, around, willy nilly, in order to facilitate the connection, simply because the terrane has been located and documented by modern geologists. Modeling is the name of the game, I suppose.

Pratt had his piece published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, volume 14 No 3, pages 307-352, a rather lengthy article that covered a wide number of anomalies. He went on to claim the idea of thin lithospheric plates moving over a global asthenosphere is implausible. Yet, PT is the dominant and preferred explanation amongst geophysicists. If Pratt is right this makes the global warming theory something of a poor also ran in contrast. The shape of the continents, as well as earthquakes and volcanoes, theoretically at plate boundaries, are said to be due to the movement of crustal blocks that move apart from one another in places, while sliding under each other in other places [subduction]. For example, the Mid Ocean Ridge is supposed to bewhere Earth’s crust is being pushed apart by upwelling magma. A seam of this crust allows volcanic processes to erupt, creating new seafloor that gradually forces the continents to spread apart. Some 250 million years ago all the continents are thought to have accumulated into a single land mass known as Pangea. What caused it to fracture into a series of plates on which the continents ride? This is an unknown, rarely mentioned. It is also commonly thought that PT is a cyclical process and therefore Pangea was not the first time the continents came together, and so on. Pratt lists some features of PT that he considers illusory, or even fictional in nature.

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