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It’s Getting Hotter

24 June 2023
Astronomy, Climate change, Electromagnetism, Geology

At https://phys.org/news/2023-06-extreme-seas-uk-ireland.html … all that solar activity, CMEs battering our magnetosphere and leaking into the upper atmosphere, seems to have had an effect on the oceans of the world. In fact, if that is the right word, the seas around Britain and Ireland are much hotter at the surface than they have been for many a long year. This is a peculiarity as we have just come off the back of three straight La Nina events – which are supposed to cool the oceans. Perhaps a re-evauation of how El Nino and La Nina works might be in order. It is especially hot in the northern North Sea, to the NW of Ireland, and between the Cornish peninsular and southern Ireland. In contrast, the southern North Sea and the Channel, as well as a goodly chunk of the Irish Sea, are at temperatures near to normal. We are told the latter areas are shallower and therefore the ocean mixing has not occurred. The reality is that all these areas, hotter or cooler, are part of the continental shelf system – and were dry ground a few thousand years ago. In other words, they are all relatively shallow, although the hotter regions might be more open to ocean currents that in turn might be bringing warmth into the North Atlantic. We might also ask – is there something else involved? Not according to the official narrative.

At https://phys.org/news/2023-06-global-average-sea-air-temperatures.html … which concerns the same subject but is expanded worldwide. Global sea and air tempertures are  spiking in 2023 – and  this is before El Nino has actually arrived. Apparently, climate scientists around the world, they say, are scrambling to find the cause. By ‘world‘, in this instance, they mean North America and western Europe, as well as Australia/New Zealand. The rest of the world doesn’t seem to be bothered – apart from the UN gravy train which is getting rich pickings. In other words, the agenda is being ramped up. What is it they are trying to hide? What does satellite data show?

Surpringly, and I was surprised, on the second page of the link, we are told it may have nothing to do with El Nino – which may emerge later in the year. They then admit the Tunga volcano, near Tonga, ejected record breaking amounts of water vapour into the upper atmosphere. Water vapour is a highly potent greenhouse gas – more so than co2. In other words, water vapour is warming the earth system, or the observed warming the climate scientists have fingered. The good news is that water vapour in the atmosphere always gets washed out – which is why it was so wet in some parts of the world earlier in the year. It is global warming – but not the kind of global warming as eviserated by the politicos, fearful of the end of the world. They might not walk around with placards hanging from their shoulders, reading ‘The End is Nigh’ – but that is just about what they are really doing, and it doesn’t frighten most people. Not anymore.

El Nino is given birth in the Pacific – but the North Atlantic is ‘incredibly warm,’ we are told, at present. Something is obviously wrong with the idea El Nino is to blame. The heat has broken ocean temperature records we are told, bombarding us with the horror of a world about to boil. They are currentlyh higher than anything in the records – but as the records don’t go back very far that is a meaningless scare story. On top of all this ocean heat, El Nino is expected and the alarmists are dreaming of a very hot period – going into 2024. We are then told the hottest year ever will be on us within the next five years. Will it take that long? On the other hand, El Nino might be a bit of a damp squid – much as the Indian Ocean monsoon this year. If the oceans of the world are already hot what can El Nino do that the sun has not already done – or the Tonga volcano. We may wonder if all the hot water in the North Atlantic is on its way into the Arctic Ocean – and then the heat might rise, back into the upper atmosphere – or even out to space.

You may note none of this has anything to do with fossil fuels or human induced greenhouse gases. Nature simply overwhelms anything puny humans can do to the earth system.

At https://phys.org/news/2023-06-ocean-chartshere-humans-ecosystems-world.html … is on the same subject, ocean heat is off the charts – since mid March [a year after the Tonga eruption]. The latter may have been to blame for all that rain in western Europe at around that time. What goes up must come down. We are told the Sea of Japan is also very hot – which does not seem to comply with your normal El Nino buildup. The Indian monsoon was well below its expected strength. Spain, France, the British Isles and Scandinavia have been experiencing temperatures well above normal, and earlier in the year, a lot of rainfall. They then describe the heat in the northern Atlantic, with warmth travelling up from Africa towards Iceland.

The article blames global warming. They even claim 3 years of La Nina has simply hidden the heat in the system, holding back global warming. Funny but nobody actually mentioned hot sea surface temperatures prior to the Tonga volcano and the uptick in solar activity at mid point in the solar cycle. These people seem to be able to make a mountain out of a bit of dirt caught in the fingernail. They add, loss of sea ice is another factor. It certainly will be once the hot water reaches the Arctic. The author’s train apparently broke down enroute Bergen to Oslo, due to the brake system on one of the coaches overheating and locking up. That is an engineering issue that is not peculiar and just happened to occur – but he thinks global warming was to blame. It probably had nothing to do with overheating – and that was made up on the hoof. Normally, at this time of the year, Bergen is sat under the jet stream – with lots of rain. That has possibly moved northwards as they are experiencing some nice summer sunshine. How to spoil a summer with a cods wallop of alarmist spin and angst.

At https://phys.org/news/2023-06-qa-el-nio-high-temps.html … we have another piece on the same subject.

At https://phys.org/news/2023-06-reveal-key-weather-northeast-china.html … which is about ocean circulation in the north west  Pacific, affecting, as it does, weather in NE China.

At https://phys.org/news/2023-06-antarctic-ice-shelves-experienced-minor.html … apparently, Antarctic ice shelves experienced only very minor changes in surface melt,  since 1980, a long overdue admission. Where were the minor changes – in the West Antarctic peninsular, it seems, the bit of land that sticks out of the continent and was once joined to South America. It is even contorted – and volcanoes hide beneath the ice. The peninsular is also on the front line when it comes to El Nino warm water travelling from the Pacific into the Indian and Atlantic oceans. Hence, this is very good news. Isn’t it? However, by including the peninsular they have managed to convey the idea that Antarctica itself has experienced a loss of ice. It’s not what you say but how you say it that counts. The point to take home from this is that ice has not been melting at the bottom of the world. The ice sheet here sits  directly over the South Pole. Unlike Greenland which is some distance from the North Pole. Here it is sea  ice that dominates the pole.


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