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Vredefort Impact Structure

24 June 2023
Astronomy, Catastrophism, Dating, Geology

Robert sent in this excellent link – and well worth checking out. See https://vredefortmeteoritesminerals.com/abstract.html … and you can download the full version at the link as well. The ISBN number is 978-0-620-79365-0 … which may indicate it is book size. The impact crater is 284 km in diameter. Absolutely huge. It is in South Africa and may have been responsible for the end of Triassic period, ushering in the Jurassic. It possesses a central rebound feature – the Vredefort Dome. It is the largest known impact site on the earth – and radiometric dating has come up with a figure of 2023 million years ago. There are also two nearby sites that may also have been created at the same time – but have different radiometric dates applied to them. These are the Bushveld  Large Igneous Province, a treasure trove of minerals dated at 2054 million years ago, and the chrome and platinum rich Great Dyke feature in Zimbabwe, and dated 2575 illion years ago. As a result of the radiometric dating differences the geological community do not think they are related. The author disagrees. He suggests the samples might have been contaminated – to explain  away the differences. Uniformitarian geologists do not seem to doubt the vercity, or otherwise, of radiometric dating, as it confirms their own gradualist agenda. Or did so in the past. Other events that may also be connected are the Manicougan cluster in northern Pangea, at 214 million years ago, the Triassic Jurassic boundary which is set at 214 million years ago, and the 204 million years ago Karoo Mantle Plume which is thought to have led to the origin of the Drakensburg  Mountain Range, quite apart from the initial break up of Gondwana, dated 185 million years ago. It s not absolutely necessary that all these things have a single source – the Vredefort crater being what set it in motion. However, common sense would infer a connection of some of these things – at the moment a view stranded by the geochronology column. In addition, the Kimberlite diamond pipes were created by some kind of internal explosion at roughly the same time, as well as extensive coal fields in southern Africa. This appears to be classic expanding of dates by gradualist processes. In a catastrophic scenario the sediments would have been laid down rapidly and therefore would eliminate some of the dating differences. One can see the same thing at the end of the Cretaceous. The asteroid strike is determined as occurring at the point of the iridium layer but geology both sides of that layer appear to be all part of the same event, as a result of dating sediments as being laid down over long periods of time. In the 19th century geologists did not think about dinosaur killing asteroids – until the point was forced on them. The same will go for the end of Triassic event – presumably initiated by another asteroid strike. After all, there are a lot of space rocks out there in the vicinity of the earth, and doubtless this has always been the case.

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