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Huge Solar Storm

12 October 2023
Astronomy, Electromagnetism

This was sent to me by Rens, whose research focus is electromagnetic effects on earth – and how those effects are preserved in myth, legend, and religion.

At https://phys.org/news/2023-10-largest-solar-storm-ancient-year-old.html … there was a huge spike in radiocarbon levels at 14,300 years ago, found in tree rings in the French Alps. The spike is thought to have been caused by a massive solar storm, one that outdwarfed the Harrington Event in the 19th century. It is said to be the biggest ever identified by scientists.

A team of researchers, from French universities and the Leeds university in the UK, measured C14 levels in ancient trees preserved within the eroded banks of the Dreuzet River. These are described as sub fossil trees. They are not fossilised. Analysis identified a large spike precisely dated at 1,300 years ago. The team ‘proposed’ it was caused by a solar storm – depositing huge volumes of energetic particles into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Later, this event is compared to the Miyake events that have occurred over the last 15,000 years. The most recent of these are dated at 993AD and 774AD. The new one is much bigger, and one has to wonder if this interpretation is right. The Laschamp Event, representing a geomagnetic reversal/ excursion, was contemporary with an even bigger injection of C14 into the atmosphere. So much so it caused a plateau in C14 that proved impossible for C14 laboratories to breach, and the Laschamp is basically the furthest the C14 dating technique can reach. One can argue over what a geomagentic excursion might entail, as far as incoming solar and galactic radiation is concerned, but there is the possibility the new spike in C14 represents a similar geomagnetic excursion. One that is not too distant from the much maligned Gothenberg excursion event that mainstream refused to accept – for the reason they did not like what it implied.

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