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Plasma Bubbles

8 August 2024
Astronomy, cosmology, Electromagnetism

At https://phys.org/news/2024-08-plasma-persistent-radio-emissions-fast.html … fast radio bursts are apparently an open mystery to astrophysicists. Within four milliseconds these powerful events release incredible amounts of energy. It is not just the Sun’s corona that gets extremely hot but faraway radio bursts appear to be doing something similar. The origin of fast radio bursts are controversial in the sense that there are various theories about them. Astronomers observe a rapid flash which is also observed in the radio band. An Italian team in a new research paper have put it down to a bubble of ionised gas. Plasma, in plain speak. However, the engine responsible for the fast radio bursts, they  think, are what is known as Magnetars – a completely theoretical object. In other words, we have plasma on the one hand and electromagnetic energy in the slip stream.

Note – there is no mention of an electric current as mainstream only accept the magnetic side of electro-magnetism. It’s enough to drive you to the Electric Universe theory. We actually have for sale on this web site Don Scott’s latest book on the subject. You don’t have to accept it as the truth and nothing but the truth, as it is a theory in the process of  being polished.

At https://phys.org/news/2024-08-scientists-highest-energy-gamma-ray.html …. which concerns high energy gamma ray bursts, another oddity in space.

While at https://phys.org/news/2024-08-coronal-mass-ejection-star-ab.html ….  here we have a CME event – on a young star called AB Doradus. At the moment the research is published on the preprint server, ‘arXiv’ – and may be subject to peer review changes once it come under mainstream scrutiny. CMEs are huge eruptions of magnetised plasma but detecting them on stars in deep space is said to be challenging. Do they call them something else when they do spot them, missing the very thing they are looking for?

See https://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.2408.00637

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