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15 March 2023
Biology, Geology

At https://phys.org/news/2023-03-giant-ant-fossil-ancient-arctic.html … ants the size  of small songbirds – another find. Fossils of giant ants are known from Europe and other places. Big ants in the modern world, but not giants, seem to favour tropical climates. It is assumed continental Europe was a lot warmer in the dinosaur age, and even later, 50 million years ago. A new fossil has been found in the Allenby Formation, near Princetown in British Columbia, in what is now near Arctic temperatures. While it is thought global warming played a role in past temperatures it is not thought the Arctic was as hot as a tropical region in the modern world. Whilst giant ants could have migrated from Europe to Noarth America when the two land masses were still connected, at some point in the dinosaur era, how could they reach the Allenby Formation just 50 million years ago. One may wonder why they don’t just factor in pole shift – or a rapid bout of continental drift. That would get the ants running around and might even explain why it was so much warmer in the Arctic at the same time. However, this idea is completely forbidden. It is quickly shot down when it is aired. Never the less, we still get articles like this.

At https://phys.org/news/2023-03-hollow-bones-dinosaurs-giants-evolved.html … dinosaurs as big as a double decker bus would not be possible if their bones were dense and as heavy as those of mammals. This is the gist of the research – which then sets out to find evidence of hollow bones. It concludes by saying hollow bones evolved on three occasions – amongst dinosaurs, pterosaurs [flying reptiles] and modern birds. Birds have hollow bones in order to fly – less weight to get off the ground. Their bones have inner structures that house air sacs. This was an exercise in looking at fossil bones to see if the same was true of the dinosaurs.

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