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Nebra Speculation

23 August 2010

At www.monstersandcritics.com/science/news/articl_1579505.php/Nebra-sky-disk-discarded-because-of-volcanic-ash-scientists-say/  August 23rd … German scientists think a volcano was responsible for the burial of the Nebra sky disc at roughly 3600 years ago. Amazingly, they are talking about the eruption of Thera in the Mediterranean, many miles distant from Saxony-Anhalt where the astronomical device was found. Now, it might be that the scientists were having a bit of fun – but no, they were very serious. They think the disc was being used by a ‘sun cult’ – whatever that might be, a belief they think was dominant in Saxony during the Early Bronze Age. However, reading further, what they are talking about is not so much the volcano but the 1628-5BC low growth tree ring event which it is thought was caused by the volcanic plume of ash and particles that descended into the upper atmosphere. For some three years (minimum) the Sun was obscured by an opaque atmosphere, crops withered in the cold and out of season frosts, and the ‘sun cult’ proved to be a fickle thing. Hence, disappointed by the ‘gods’ the disc was buried. However, it was also clearly an offering as it was buried alongside two swords decorated with gold, a bronze axe, and bracelets etc – on Mittelberg Hill. Mainze University scientists continue by saying it is no coincidence that activity at Stonehenge in Britain also ceased at the very same time the disc was buried – and we all know they worshipped the Sun at Stonehenge. That’s why all those people turn up on Midsummer Eve.

One can see how they arrived at i) the Thera volcano was to blame, and ii) Bronze Age people worshipped the Sun. However, we can also see very clearly how some guesswork appears to have been accepted as fact by scientists, simply because it is repeated endlessly because nobody can think of anything better. Actually, plenty of people can think of something better – but they are ignored. Simple rustics worshipping the big orb in the sky is the sort of soundbite scientists prefer – after all, they were only simple farmers. Does that mean they were less than able we might ask. Can your average scientist plant and reap a field of crops successfully, can he build a barn or plough a field, can he erect walls and fences that don’t fall down in the wind, can he produce enough food to live on for 12 months of the year. I don’t see why farmers should be denigrated by accusing them of being silly enough to worship the Sun. What scientists really need to look into is what happened in 1628-5BC to cause the narrow growth tree ring event – and forget about Thera. That blew somewhat later (in all likelihood).

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