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Climate Update as we head towards the end of March

26 March 2011
Climate change

Over at www.weatheraction.com Piers Corbyn is predicting some extreme weather or even an earthquake in the next few days – as a result of solar activity. Meanwhile, at www.physorg.com/print220262708.html we learn that sea ice extent is at nearly its lowest point – ever (or since the modern AGW phenomenon took root some 25 to 30 years ago). However, at http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2011/03/25/huge-increase-in-thick-ice… where we learn the opposite side of things. It is not the extent that matters, it is being argued, but the thickness of the ice. The thicker the ice the longer it remains during the summer ice melt season. We shall see.

Meanwhile, a former alarmist and green spin doctor, Australian scientist David Evans, has seen the light and is now a sceptic and he explains why AGW is a scam at http://joannenova.com.au March 23rd. At www.physorg.com/news/2011-03-climate-affects-success-rare-tropical.html where we learn that a University of Reading study says AGW is a danger to tropical bird populations – such as the Maurtitius kestrel. Too much rain apparently. This idea ties in with a story at www.physorg.com/print220184623.html where a paper published in the Geophysical Research Letters (March, 2011) says that 'cutting' down on C02 could help prevent drought caused by AGW. Not quite the same thing – opposite in fact, drought instead of rain. It is akin to a story at www.physorg.com/print220190317.html (see also www.agu.org) where a study sponsored by the American Geophysical Union in the southern Appalachians has shown that eastern North America has suffered severe droughts in the past – particularly in the 17th century (during the Little Ice Age). Apparently, the same thing might happen again – not the LIA but the drought.

The other windy tale is at www.physorg.com/print220203246.html where researchers say they have found evidence that wind speeds over the oceans of the world have increased according to satellite data. Conveniently, this only goes back 20 to 25 years. The same story is at www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/71686/title/Global_gale_warning/ where it is alleged the biggest waves and fastest winds may be getting bigger – and faster. According to just a couple of decades of satellite data. It admits the winds in general are not stronger – but apparently it is the severe winds that are the problem. They are more severe than just severe. Theoretically, it is admitted, AGW can make winds windier – or waves can get taller. However, they also say that weather also goes through cycles and wind speeds can vary based on multi decadal shifts in atmospheric pressure. Apparently, in contrast, wind speeds over land have not increased – no wave height to measure. Perhaps.

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