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23 April 2011
Climate change

This story was big on the blogosphere a year or so ago but it seems a Telegraph 'investigative' journalist has caught up with reality and cottoned on that big money lies at the root of AGW propaganda. See http://bishophill.squarespace.com/blog/2011/04/23/digging-into-the-globe… (and the comments are really worth reading – very illuminating) and the same story but with less genteel charm is up at http://eureferendum.blogspot.com/2011/04/hail-msm.html which is hard hitting and from a hack of many years experience. However, the current status of climate science can be guaged more accurately at the very polite and moderate http://climateaudit.org/2011/04/23/comments-on-mother-jones/ … posting and comments are quite enjoyable reading, much better than the general sense of things on the blogosphere of late where some frustration has crept in. The science has been debunked but AGW is still up and running – what is going on? Which brings us back to our first two links. 

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