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The 1300AD event

17 July 2011

Yes, a new timeline for a sudden change in climate – this time in the Pacific basin (see http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-7024384/The-A-D-1300-Event.html ). This is basically the transition between the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age (stage one), a period of roughly 100 years that witnessed environmental change, disruption of human societies and changes in sea level (see Nunn 1999, Nunn 2000, and Nunn and Britton 2001, Kumar et al 2006 and Masse et al 2006). Almost all palaeo climate studies in the Pacific basin display evidence of a Holocen Optimum warm period – which involved higher rainfall with somewhat warmer temperatures and higher sea levels than today. Since that period came to an end there has been a fall in sea level, precipitation, and a loss of bio-diversity. Likewise, the mediaval warm period was at least as warm as modern times. However, once the Little Ice Age kicked in, after 1300AD, sea levels were consistently lower than present levels (he says), until 1800/1850 when the modern warm period kicked in. Contrary to what AGW climate scientists will say the medieval warm period was not local to NW Europe and NE America. It has been catalogued in China (Qian and Zhu 2002, Yung et al 2002), in New Zealand (Williams et al 2004), California (2000) etc. In addition, a sudden onset of cold weather around 1200AD in the Canadian Rockies has been noted (Luckman and Wilson 2005). In the Pacific islands the medieval warm period coincided with arid conditions – lower rainfall. Similar drier weather patterns were a feature all around the Pacific rim from central China, tropical South China, California, Mexico and coastal Peru. 

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