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Hotting Up … solar system dynamics

16 October 2011

At http://research.aerology.com/natural-processes/solar-system-dynamics/ … the effects on climate are expanded to include the solar system and the universe which are linked in what is called a common bowl of gravitational and magnetically connected and driven mass of ions and regular atoms. Mutual static repulsion keeps the stars separated just as mutual static epulsion keeps the neutralised moisture in a cloud from condensing. As the background cumulative charge gradient increases it reduces droplet size and polarises them.

The galactic magnetic fields are influenced by the same set of actions which means the rotation of our galaxy and the movement of our solar system in the larger frame of reference affects long term climate on earth. Recently, it has been seen that even the sun has auroral activity on its leading side as it ploughs through interstellar gas and clouds of dust.

All electronic gadgetry works by modulation techniques that are well understood and the same may apply to the interactions of the sun with the planets and their moons in our solar system. Over time the outer planets have formed a resonance pattern between themselves and influence the solar movement around the barycentre. This shifts the drive of sun spot cycles to the point of creating the strength and length of individual cycle periods.

Etc.etc. There are 4 pages in extent and it seems that what he is saying is very close to that of Tallbloke at http://tallbloke.wordpress.com and something of this sort has recently been posted at the Watts Up With That blog by Paul Vaughn – see http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/10/15/shifting-sun-earth-moon-harmonies-… which appears to have flummoxed many of the commenters at the site. The question is how big are these effects and to what extent do they impact on climate? Also, what happens if rogue events are put into the equation – huge outbursts from the sun and other stars.

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