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Pock marked Mercury

26 October 2011

At www.physorg.com/print238753778.html we learn that NASAs Messenger spacecraft has discovered strange hollows on the surface of Mercury – at a variety of latitudes and longitudes. They range in size from 60 feet wide to over a mile across. As there is no atmosphere, as such, on Mercury, they could not have been moulded by wind or rain – so the thinking goes. So what carved the holes from the rocky crust that are up to 120 feet deep?

At www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2011-331&cid=release_2011-331 it is confirmed the Elenin comet has emerged from behind the Sun – in pieces. They will continue on the former comet track and presumably make their way back out to the further reaches of the solar system – but why did the comet break up? NASA is a bit shy on this but you can read the EU version at the Thunderbolts blog – forum section. The question is, did the comet behave in a way unexpected as far as consensus science is concerned – or can the consensus theory on comets and trajectories adequately make a comprehensible explanation for Elenin's behaviour. It seems the EU attitude has been consistent all the way along – it is NASA that has not explained why Elenin flared up late last year and gave rise to the expectation of a giant comet approaching, rather than what was in effect a bit of a minnow. Do other comets flare up such a long way out – when first noticed by astronomers? This does not mean EU theory is necessary correct in all its details … but it does make you wonder.

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