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Beenstock and the giant in the ointment

6 February 2013
Climate change

A paper a few weeks ago has rattled the troughers as George the Man and fellow sharp cronies have funded a sharp rebuke – not so much a rebuke but an illustration of the problem itself, an assumption that a paper written in 1896 was in all ways correct when it made no mention of water vapour or clouds, or the amtospheric shift between the equatorial and the polar, yet is considered gospel – as in the bees knees. Go to www.bishop-hill.net/blog/2013/2/6/batting-back-at-beenstock.html (but it is essential you read some of the comments as the good Bishop leaves it all hanging for his faithful followers to put in their ounce – and it is painful.

The political blogs have been salivating on this subject for a few weeks now but the bishop is more constrained – further proof that money is the root of all evil (and the greenie bubble). Go to www.bishop-hill.net/blog/2013/2/6/more-corruption-at-decc.html (again the comments are optional but sometimes revealing).

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