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Tektite Fields

29 May 2013

At http://malagabay.wordpress.com/2013/05/30/the-tale-of-the-tektites/ … Tim Cullen looks at tektite fields and their distribution. He then looks at them in the context of the Inflating Earth model and makes two radical suggestions – they represent evidence of two massive impact events that caused an outgassing of oxygen and hydrogen from inisde the Earth.

Tektites are small bodies of natural glass formed out of terrestrial debris ejected during extraterrestrial impact events and are distributed in extensive strewn fields but these only exist in a few locations. They have therefore been produced by just a few impact events with an extraordinary hypervelocity punch. They consist of near surface and loosely consolidated terrrestrial sediments melted by those hypervelocity impacts.

Tektites from Laos and what was Indo-China originated as pools of glass formed local soils. There is no evidence they were flung into the air. They are large layered blocks of tektite glass, the frangmented and broken remnants of bigger puddles. Were these particular tektites ejected from inside the Earth?

The first wa ve of biodiversity on the Earth occurred around 542 million years ago – the so called Cambrian explosion of life. He speculates that this could have came about as a result of a hypervelocity impact event that punched a deep hole into the crust of the Earth and released oxygen and hydrogen into the atmosphere at very high pressure. This appears to tie in with the tektite field in Australia and a very large craer, reported to be 542 million years of age (at the end of the Pre-Cambrian).

Cullen then suggests a second hypervelocity impact event – at 180 million years ago (consensus geological chronology dates) that also gave rise to sea floor spreading motion (an Inflating Earth model rather than a Plate Tectonics one). The impact he associates with the Gulf of Mexico, producing tektite fields in Texas and in the Ivory Coast (Africa). At this point the continents were joined into one whole, the Americas to Africa and Europe. The impact of the impactor object travelled through the Earth and produced the tektite puddles on the opposite side of the world, in Laos.

The geological consensus is that the Gulf of Mexico appeared in the Triassic about 200 million years ago – just beofe the seafloor spreading or separation of Pangaea (180 million years ago). Prior to this event the Gulf of Mexico did not exist – it was dry land and situated in the middle of Pangaea. We may also note that both the beginning and the ending of the Triassic are associated with major extinction events – including the one known as 'the Great Dying' (which involved insects as well as animals and marine life forms).

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