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A Big Bang simulation

29 August 2013

At www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2013/08/big-bang-simulation-of-380000-year… .. not sure if they have found the Big Bang – but they've found something (which may be profound, important, or inconsequential). Physicists claim to have reproduced the same 'pattern' in approximately 10 milliseconds in a simulation using ultra cold cesium atoms in a vacuum chamber at the University of Chicago. The idea is to try and understand what happened – or what existed shortly after the Big Bang. Chang Chin and Cheu-kung Hung, with Victor Guramies, were looking at how structure evolved. The cosmic microwave background is the echo of the Big Bang, a fundamental lynchpin of cosmology, and extensive measurements of it were made by the 'Cosmic Background Explorer' in the 1990s and the 'Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe'

It turns out that under certain conditions a cloud of atoms chilled to a billionth of a degree above absolute zero (-459.67F) in a vacuum chamber displays phenomena similar to those that are thought to have unfolded at the Big Bang moment. At ultracold temperatures atoms become excited collectively. They act as if they are sound waves in the air. The dense package of matter and radiation thought to exist in the very early universe generated similar sound wave excitations – as revealed by COBE and WMAP. The synchronised generation of sound waves correlates with cosmological speculations about rapid inflation of the early universe – and so on.

Chin and Hung intend to broaden their research, such as the simulation of galaxy formation and the dynamics of black holes.

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